
Friday, 4 January 2013

uninstalling direct x

Although the later versions ofDirectXhave been designed to enhance gaming technology, sometimes they can cause problems. Occasionally, when you trytorun a game, you may get an error message reporting that a later version of DirectX is needed, that the installed version is incompatible with the game or that a DirectX file is missing (like directsound.dll or d3dx9 dll). In these cases, you may needtoinstall a later version but may be unabletodo this duetoa problem with your existing version.
Always start by running dxdiag.exe tocheck the status of your DirectX install at ion to find any problems and details related to the problem. You can run the command from the Start menu in Windows, just type it in the search box or run command option.
Since Direct X is effectively an extension of video and audio drivers, removing it can cause problems. It is not intended that it will be deleted and so nouninstalloption is provided.
The only official ways of removing a version ofDirectX are to go back to a system restore point where the current version was installed or to re-install your operating system. The former relies on the installation of  DirectX being fairly recent while the latter option is an extreme solution since it means you will have to re-install all your programs and copy back your data.
There are third party uninstallers available that may do the job. However, check the reviews on them before using one because some can be unreliable and cause more problems than they solve.
There are a few specific DirectX uninstall tools.
DirectX9 Uninstaller

Before you use any of these tools though, always first try downloading and installing the latest DirectX version for your Windows version as that can fix the most common problems withDirectX. TheDirectXuninstalloption should really be a last resort.

TIP: use Secure Uninstaller to uninstall programs in Windows.

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