
Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Creating Fake virus

Make frnds scare for  fake VIRUS

Open notepad and type this: lol=msgbox ("Warning a virus has been detected on your PC. Press YES to format your hard disk now or press NO to format your hard disk after system reboot",20,"Warning")

Then save it as Virus.VBS and go to the folder that contains it and open it. If a window pops out saying a virus has been detected, it's working. Press yes or no to close the window.

Put the created virus.vbs file the startup folder of the victim's account.

On startup the window should appear.

Note: This does not harm your computer as it does not contain any  virus.

The Yes and no button does not do anything except closing the window. Also you can edit the message that should be appeared on the screen :

eg.Trojan Horse like this lol=msgbox ("Warning a Trojan horse has been detected on your PC. Press YES to format your hard disk now or press NO to format format your hard disk after system reboot",20,"Warning")

Oh in between make sure your victim does not panic and really reformat his harddisk. hahaha :)

Monday, 24 November 2014

Civil engineering info

M5 = 1:4:8
M10= 1:3:6
M15= 1:2:4
M20= 1:1.5:3
M25= 1:1:2


1.FOOTINGS : 50 mm
4.STRAP BEAM : 50 mm.
5.GRADE SLAB : 20 mm
6.COLUMN : 40 mm
7.SHEAR WALL : 25 mm
8.BEAMS : 25 mm
9.SLABS : 15 mm
10.FLAT SLAB : 20 mm
11.STAIRCASE : 15 mm
12.RET. WALL : 20/ 25 mm on earth

6mm = 0.222Kg
8mm = 0.395 Kg
10mm = 0.616 Kg
12mm = 0.888 Kg
16mm = 1.578 Kg
20mm = 2.466 Kg
25mm = 3.853 Kg
32mm = 6.313 Kg
40mm = 9.865 Kg
1bag cement -50kg
1feet   -0.3048m
1square-100sq.f¬t1 M


V = (Pi/4)*Dia x DiaX L
  = (3.14/4)x D xD X 1 (for 1m length)
Density of Steel = 7850 kg/cub meter
Weight = Volume x Density = (3.14/4)xD x D X1x7850 (if D is in mm )
    So = ((3.14/4)xD x D X1x7850)/(1000x1000) = Dodd/162.27

M10 ( 1 : 3.92 : 5.62)=
Cement : 210 Kg/ M 3
20 mm Jelly : 708 Kg/ M3
12.5 mm Jelly : 472 Kg/ M 3
River sand : 823 Kg/ M 3
Total water : 185 Kg/ M 3
Fresh concrete density: 2398 Kg/M 3

M20 ( 1 : 2.48 : 3.55)
Cement : 320 Kg/ M3
20 mm Jelly : 683 Kg/ M3
12.5 mm Jelly : 455 Kg/ M33
River sand : 794 Kg/ M3
Total water : 176 Kg/ M3
Admixture : 0.7%
Fresh concrete density: 2430 Kg/ M3

M25 ( 1 : 2.28 : 3.27)
Cement : 340 Kg/ M3
20 mm Jelly : 667 Kg/ M3
12.5 mm Jelly : 445 Kg/ M3
River sand : 775 Kg/ M3
Total water : 185 Kg/ M3
Admixture : 0.6%
Fresh concrete density: 2414 Kg/ M3
Note: sand 775 + 2% moisture,Water185 -20.5 =164 Liters, Admixture = 0.5% is 100ml

M30 ( 1 : 2 : 2.87)
Cement : 380 Kg/ M3
20 mm Jelly : 654 Kg/ M3
12.5 mm Jelly : 436 Kg/ M3
River sand : 760 Kg/ M3
Total water : 187 Kg/ M3
Admixture : 0.7%
Fresh concrete density: 2420 Kg/ M3
Note: Sand = 760 Kg with 2% moisture(170.80+15.20)

M35 ( 1 : 1.79 : 2.57)
Cement : 410 Kg/ M 3
20 mm Jelly : 632 Kg/ M 3
12.5 mm Jelly : 421 Kg/ M 3
River sand : 735 Kg/ M 3
Total water : 200 Kg/ M 3
Admixture : 0.7%
Fresh concrete density: 2400 Kg/ M3
Note: sand = 735 + 2%, Water = 200-14.7 =185.30,Admixture = 0.7%

M40 ( 1 : 1.67 : 2.39)
Cement : 430 Kg/ M 3
20 mm Jelly : 618 Kg/ M 3
12.5 mm Jelly : 412 Kg/ M 3
River sand : 718 Kg/ M 3
Water Cement ratio : 0.43
Admixture : 0.7%
Note: Sand = 718 + Bulk age 1%

M45 ( 1 : 1.58 : 2.26)
Cement : 450 Kg/ M 3
20 mm Jelly : 626 Kg/ M 3
12.5 mm Jelly : 417 Kg/ M 3
River sand : 727 Kg/ M 3 + Bulk age1%
Water Cement ratio : 0.43
Admixture : 0.7%M50 ( 1 : 1.44 : 2.23)
Cement : 450 Kg/ M 3
20 mm Jelly : 590 Kg/ M 3
12.5 mm Jelly : 483 Kg/ M 3
River sand : 689 Kg/ M 3 + Bulk age12%
Water Cement ratio : 0.36 (188 Kg)
Admixture : 1.20%
Micro silica : 30 Kg
Super flow 6.7% of cement

1 cubic meter contains 500 bricks
The Standard size of the 1st classbrick is 190mmx 90mm x90mm and motor joint should be 10mm thick So brick with motor= 200 x 100 x 100.

Volume of 1st class brick = 0.19 x 0.09X 0.09 = 0.001539cu.m

Volume of 1st class brick with motor = 0.2 x 0.1 x0.1 = 0.002cu.m

No. on bricks per 1cu.m = 1/volume of 1st class brick withmotor = 1/0.002 = 500 no’s of bricks

FOOT = 0.3048 METRE
YARD = 0.9144 METRE
METRE = 3.2808FOOT
METRE = 1.0936 YARD
A rope having length 100cm. You canform anyshape using this rope(Example:Triangle,Rectangle, etc.,). Which shape will cover maximum area
1 Newton = 0.101971 kg
1 mm2 = 0.01 cm2
1 cm2 = 100 mm2
1 mm2 = 20 N
100 mm2 = 2000N
1 cm2 = 2000N
2000 N = 203.942 kg
So 20 N/ mm2 = 203.942 kg / cm2
RATIO IS 1:1.5:3
then volume is 1+1.5+3 = 5.5 and the total volume for using mix = 1 hr · Civil Work

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Hide folder in pc using command prompt

Hiding your files and folders are very important. because it is used to protect your personal information from others. some software's are available  online for hiding your files and folders. but without using softwares, hiding your files and folders are possible by using command prompt.
follow the steps to hide your files and folders by using command prompt. your command prompt(press window key + r , then type in cmd and press enter. or Start=>All programs=> Accessories => Command prompt)
2. Type this command:
attrib +s +h D:\folder or file name
for example your folder name is bank secret and it is in D drive. then you can type this
attrib +s +h D:\bank secret .thats all now your folder is hidden and noone can view this file.
if you want that folder to be visible or to reappear back,  then type
attrib -s -h D:\folder or file name

attrib -s -h D:\bank secret(only changing symbol + to -)
thats all now your folder is visible.share this post and write your comments here

Website blocking without third party applications

how to block a particular website without any software
Today i am telling to how to block a particular website like facebook,google etc...

This  method is used to block some websites in our schools and collages. Also this same method is used to unlock the website.
Let me remind you that this method is appropriate when we are not able to edit the internet options settings manually without admin privileges.

Step 1: Make sure about the website that you really want to block  and also you have to know the  name of that website like""

Step 2: Now you have to open your System Drive in your computer

Step 3: If Your OS is in drive C:\ then Go to this Path in your compu ter "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\"

Step 4: There is a file named "hosts" Open this file in your text editor (You can use your favorite one 'Notepad' )

after a localhost add your link which you want to block with the same IP address

Step 5:
Now Save this file in Any Other place and replace with the original one.

Step 6:
Now you can see that google is blocked in your computer so, you are not able to access google .Ya Don't Forget to close all the Folders Which is Open in your Explorer

Mozilla firefox speed boosting

Increase internet speed in mozilla firefox
It is possible to increase the internet speed in mozilla firefox. There is a simple trick that is used increase the internet speed upto 50% extra.
follow the steps to increase the internet speed
step1: Type "about :config" in the adress field.

step2: Set the value of network.http.pipelining to "true".

step3: Set the value of network.http.pipelining.maxrequests to "100".

step4: Set the value of network.http.proxy.pipelining to"true"

step5: Set the value of nglayout.initialpaint.delay to "0"

thats all now check your internet speed. the speed is increased by an extent as  compared to normal speed. if any problem found...then blog it here... Awaitin ur responses

Notepad as a personal diary?

How to use Notepad as a personal diary?
There is a simple feature in Notepad that can make it work like a personal diary for you.Here is how to go for it:
1 .Firstly open a blank Notepad file. 2. Now write .LOG as the first line in the file, then press enter. Now save the file and close it.
3. Open the notepad file now and you will find that the current date and time has been appended (put) at the end and the cursor is in the next line. 4. Type your notes and then save and close the file.
5 . Each time you open the file, Notepad repeats the process,that is it appends the date and time to the end of the file and places the cursor below it.

Increase your internet speed by using notepad

Now you can increase your internet speed by using notepad. It is a very simple trick. What you people have to do is only  to copy the below code and paste into the notepad. Follow the steps to increase your internet speed by using notepad.

First of all it will be better to create a system restore point before setting things up.
1. open your notepad
2.copy the below code and paste into the notepad
3. Now save the file as booster.reg
4.then run the file and it ask to you Do you want to add the following entry to the registry
5. Press ok
thats all restart your computer and enjoy the amazing internet speed in your computer.
share this post. If any problem then comment here...

Use keyboard as a mouse if mouse or touchpad is not responding or working.

Use keyboard as a mouse if mouse or touchpad is not responding or working.
You can done everything by using mouse. But the mouse are not worked properly or mouse are not available. Then what to do?
in this situation you can use your keyboard as a mouse It is very simple method and you can access your keyboard like a mouse.
To activate this just press
Alt+Left shift key+num lock
now you can access your keyboard as a mouse.
navigation keys for keyboard
2-move down
8-move up
4-move left
6-move right
for double click,just press the plus symbol(+)
for right click,just press the minus symbol (-)
to deactivate just press same key (i.e., Alt+Left shift key+num lock)
Thats all now you can use your keyboard as a mouse at any time.share this trick and write your comments